For Authors

Requirements for Manuscripts:

І. "the International Relations of Ukraine: Scientific Searches and Findings" publishes scholarly papers, reports, bibliographic and source surveys, reviews of new publications, chronicles of scientific events and activities.

The total volume of a manuscript should not exceed 1 author's sheet (equal to 40 000 characters including the spaces between words).

Recommended structure of the paper: interpretation of the issue in general terms, its relation to the scientific and practical challenges; analysis of the latest publications and results of the researches, relied upon by the author; highlighting a previously unsolved part of the overall issue the paper deals with; posing the objectives of the investigation; presentation of the studies, support of research findings; broad conclusions from this studies and future considerations for research.

Each article must indicate metadata. They are published in the yearbook, on its website and stored in Ukrainian and international databases.
The metadata are:
1. Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC).
2. Information about the author (authors) - first name and last name, degree and academic title, work position and workplace, contact information, e-mail.
3. Title of the publication.
4. Abstract must be written within 2000 characters (including the spaces between words) and reflect the main results of the study, their scientific novelty and significance.
5. Keywords.
6. References list in American Psychological Association (APA) Style presenting the used literature and published sources in Latin alphabetical order


In this list, the names of publications presented in papers footnotes in Roman Script are repeated and the names from the footnotes in Cyrillic are transliterated.

Recommended service for transliteration from Ukrainian into Latin on the "Izbornik" portal:

Information about the author(s), title of the publication, abstract, keywords should be presented in Ukrainian and English.

ІІ. The texts must be in .DOC (.DOCX) or .RTF format; Times New Roman font (14 pt.); line spacing - 1,5; the margins are all 2 cm each; first line - 1.27 cm. Automatic word transfer is not used.

Tables are automatically created and numbered. References in the text to tables are mandatory ("See table").

Illustrations to the text should be submitted as separate files in .JPEG format (with a resolution of at least 300 dpi) with consecutive numbering in Arabic numerals and titles.

ІІІ. Footnotes are placed automatically at the end of the paper with Arabic numerical ascending numbers. The footnote number must be placed in the text before the delimiter (colon, semicolon, comma, dot), not after it.

Footnotes should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the standard "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules for compilation. State Standard of Ukraine 8302:2015", which entered into force on 1 July 2016.

References to archival documents are made in the national language, depending on the place of storage of the document, according to the system of references generally accepted in the given archive (in the given country) (for example: ЦДІАК України. Ф.127. Оп.3. Спр.38. Арк.45). The first reference to the archive uses its full name, with the abbreviation in brackets. In the following references, only the abbreviation is applied. The official abbreviations for the names of archival institutions and other recommendations for archival referencing can be found on the portals of the state archival services, particularly in Ukraine.

The Editorial Board has the right to edit and abridge submitted manuscripts.

Please send electronic versions of manuscripts to the yearbook e-mail address:

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